Sunday, July 26, 2009

What Will Conkite's Legacy be for Journalists?

With the recent death of Walter Cronkite, what impact will his legacy have on the future of journalism?

An editorial in the July 19, 2009 Arizona Republic opines that Cronkite's reporting should be a model for all journalists.

"Cronkite reported on the assassinations of President John Kennedy, the Rev. Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. He covered the civil-rights movement, war and presidential scandal.

Many will look back and consider his enormous steadiness during crisis. That's an honor he deserves.

But the death of a man who was bigger than life also gives tomorrow's journalists a chance to look forward and consider the example of a journalist who put integrity and dependability above flash and one-liners."


Walter Cronkite was aptly deemed "the most trusted man in America." Now who do Americans trust most?

According to a recent survey by Time, it's John Stewart. Click here to the survey results.

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