Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Roundup Takes 19 Awards For Outstanding Journalism

Students earn state, national and international news honors
The Roundup recently brought home statewide, national and international journalism awards.

At a recent National Scholastic Press Association conference in Phoenix, the staff of The Roundup won a total of 16 statewide awards through the Arizona Interscholastic Press Association. Last year the staff won nine AIPA awards.

Individual winners were Alexander Barr ’09, Matt Stanley ’09, Kevin Donley ’11, Matt Hopkins ’09, Liam Martin ’10, Jake Kelly ’09, Santiago Azpurua-Borras ’09, Sahan Fernando ’09, David Sydiongco ’09 and Chris S. McKenna ’09.

The staff also earned a National Best in Show award through the NSPA. The Best in Show award was for The Roundup’s 2009 Special Edition on this year’s Summit.

In addition, Jake Kelly ’09 and Matt Hopkins ’09 recently won a total of three international awards in a contest sponsored by the American Society of Newspaper Editors and Quill and Scroll Honor Society.

Kelly was one of 15 international news photo winners for his picture of Fr. Murray from the first edition of the year.

Out of a total of 15 winning sports photos, Hopkins had two football photos earn honors.

Kelly and Hopkins are now eligible to apply for up to a $1,500 college scholarship for next year.

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